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Students’ AffairsOffice

Student Department

Student Department is to coordinate college students’ education andadministration. It is also in charge of students’ ideological and politicaleducation, mental health education, psychological counseling, students’ dailyadministration, recruiting students and graduates’ employment.

(1) To be responsible for students’ ideological and political education.

(2) To be responsible for regulating the behavior of students.

(3) To be responsible for dormitories management.

(4) To be responsible for rewarding and helping students.

(5) To be responsible for students development.

(6) To be responsible for improving the quality of students.

(7) To be responsible for students documents management.

(8) To be responsible for researching students work.

(9) To be responsible for recruiting polytechnic students and collegestudents.

(10) To be responsible for graduates employment.

(11) To accomplish other college work.


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