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Disciplinary& Supervision (Auditing) Office

Discipline Inspection Department (Audit Department)

Under the leadership of Guangzhou Sports BureauDiscipline Inspection Committee and the College Party Committee, DisciplineInspection Department is to coordinate college anti-corruption work. It is alsoin charge of publicity education, anti-corruption supervising, audit, administrationinspection and other work

(1) To be responsible for college anti-corruptionwork.

(2) To be responsible for college inspection andaudit work.

(3) To be responsible for college complainingwork.

(4) To be responsible for examining college undueirregularities.

(5) To be responsible for the College DisciplineCommission meeting work.

(6) To be responsible for the College DisciplineCommission’s seal and document management.

(7) To accomplish other college work.


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