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Kinesiology Department
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Sport Department

Sport Department was founded in March, 2004. It set up Sports TrainingMajor and Social Sports Major which are the first and second college’s majorfor admission. Sports Training Major is the important major supported by GuangdongProvince, and Sports Training Major andSocial Sports Major are City-level key construction professions. The teachingteam of Sports Training was judged City Excellent Teaching Team, and thepractical base was judged City Excellent Practical Base. There are 548 studentsand 57 full-time teachers in Sport Department. 35% teachers got Master’s degreeor above, including 1 PHD candidate.

68% teachers are senior or intermediate title,and 77% teachers are double-professional teachers. 1 teacher was titled NanyueExcellent Teacher and 2 teachers were titled Guangzhou City Excellent Teacher.Sport Training Major recruits three-year students and five-year studentscurrently, and it is the only major of college that recruit five-year students.Sports Training Major combines studying with practicing and competing on andoff campus, and forms talents education mode of skills lead learning andpracticing to train compound talents with sports instructor, water exercise andlife saving, sport education and training. Social Sports Major establishescooperation mechanism among school, industry and clubs, and it forms talentseducation character of classroom plus clubs to train compound sport talentswith fitness instructor, social sports activities organizing andmanagement.


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